Thursday, August 27, 2009

Back at one.

I feel like things are starting to go downhill from here. I was 2 days late for my 3DMax submission, and thats 30% gone. Just got back my Contract & Law test results and I failed, hence a retake next Tuesday. The last thing I need is to study for an exam, with everything else piling up. Gah.

Had Design the whole day till 6pm. Spent the morning in Studio 4, observing the seniors' crit. I hate crits. I hate presentations. One of my worst nightmares. There's no escaping this. Now I'm abit worried about MY crit next week. Then, it was tutorials for the afternoon session. Had tutorial with Mr Redz first, and he pretty much approved one of my design concepts, giving me a direction. Then, I went for tutorial again with Mr David and he completely changed it to something entirely new. Not that I don't like it. What he gave me to develop on is pretty good, but, it isn't what I came up with in the first place. Now I feel like I'm back at the starting point, wondering which direction I'm supposed to go.
Maybe I should just flip a coin and pick a side.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I want to go out!

Spent the entire day in Cheras trying to do 3DMax. Spent ages trying to fix my base texture, and instead of looking sandy (like its supposed to be!), it looks like a brown flying carpet over a beach scene. This coming week is going to be totally insane. I have assignments to hand in everyday, and I need to do a study model for Thursday's design. Had tutorial last week with Mr David, and...... I don't think I understand his drawings.
I didn't think that was possible, but its true.
I don't know what he wants me to work on!

Lately, I've been drowning myself in X-Japan songs. After 5 years of searching (I kid you not), I finally found Yoshiki's Symphonic Orchestra Concert 2002!!! Super awesome. He is the reason I want to start piano again. He played mostly all the old and famous X-Japan songs, like Amethyst(!) and Tears, and some of his newer Violet UK songs. Endless Rain was awesome, when right after the bridge, the lights went out, and suddenly the room was filled with revolving star-like lights from the disco-ball, everyone went crazy screaming his name and then slowly, some people started singing the lyrics to the song. I think its amazing how much feelings he can put into a song, and has everyone in the room crying just listening to him play.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

This is...

How long is 15 years compared to forever?
Not very long, I suppose.

I'm feeling a little sad because someone died. A book character, to be exact. In my opinion, book characters aren't supposed to die. They should live on forever, my mind argues. It doesn't make sense that the guy should die and leave the girl alone, until I read the sequel (about their son) and found out the guy (his father) died 15 years later. I wished I never picked up that book.

15 years is such a short time.
I wonder how does it feel to be one left here?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Just got back from work.
10 hours of setting up the halls in KL Convention Centre for the Petronas dinner tomorrow night.
10 hours of lugging around bags, bags, bags and more bags of fabric and tying bows and arranging tables and chairs.
My entire body is aching like a bitch, but I'm going to just concentrate on the money I can get for my materials soon x_x
I'll still have to go back right after class tomorrow for standby till tear down at about 11-12am.

On a brighter note, only a few more weeks till Ai no Kusabi comes out~ :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I tried checking the ticket prices just now. There's no flight to New York in November!!
So even if I starve myself for a few months to save up, I still can't go for Tim Burton's exhibition.
Any other airlines I can try?
I want to go out.
But there's no one to go out with.

I want to go shopping.
But I'm broke.

I want to read.
But I've got no time.

I want to sleep.
But I can't.