from Pablo Neruda's 'The Book of Questions'.
I finally found it!!
Finally, I won't have Minor classes anymore.
I have to say this, they're a waste of time, really.
After (nearly) 4 semesters, I'm still wondering what I (am supposed to) have learnt.
I am already dreading the next semester.
Only because I feel as if I'm losing the.. drive to continue on.
After 3 years, I feel like.. you know what? I'm done with this.
I WANT to be done with this....
I don't want to do this!
Nut asked what am I going to do after I graduate and I answered;
"Something else that isn't so mentally challenging."
People at my office are telling me to go back when I graduate. My supervisor wants me to work on until June and I nearly choked on the drink I was having then. It was all I could do not to scream NOO! (yes, I am THAT horrified). They could be saying it out of politeness but still, I doubt I will. Not doubt. I'm sure I won't.
I still don't know yet, what I'm trying to achieve but I know I won't find it there.
Plus, lately everyone there has been annoying me with (really obvious) hints of how K should do something before I leave. WHY do people do that? I'm not into him, and I'm certainly not going to be pressured into being into him.. oh Lord. PEOPLE.
I've been trying to avoid them by actually driving out all the way to PJ Old Town to meet Lyd for lunch. (That is how desperate I am to avoid their comments)
I hope April will be over soon.
A book I've been waiting for is coming out on April 5th! Yayy!