I come home everyday and spend a long time in the shower trying to scrub myself clean again.
I don't know if its my imagination, but I find that my hands still have a grayish tint to it.
The good news is, there are finally events (plural!).. we'll be heading to Sitiawan next weekend for an Astro event (and its by the beach!), and the week after that, to Malacca.
And then..
I don't want to stop working.. mostly because I like the freedom it gives me.
I no longer have to depend on anybody else for allowances, and nobody breathes fire down my neck if I come home with 300 bucks worth of books.
It's been going on for quite a while and I think I've finally had enough of my family.
All these fights and moody faces and silent treatments and side-takings are killing me.
I can say with certainty that I'll be leaving as soon as I am able to get a ticket out of this place.
Maybe then I'll start living my life for myself, and not for everyone else around me.
I wonder who is really considered selfish: one who has been selfish for so long its already a constant, or one who finally had enough of giving in and wants to stop.
When I was given this car almost 4 years ago, it was a symbol of freedom for me. Call me corny, dramatic, overreacting but its true.
No one has any idea what getting that car meant to me.
Looking at it tells me I no longer have to depend on people who couldn't be bothered to remember to pick me up and drop me home. People who would get friends to do their chores for them.
It's been a long time, I know... but these are the kind of things/feelings you bring to your grave; knowing you were once a burden, and an easily forgotten one at that.
And now I am supposed to give up my 'freedom' to a person who only thinks about himself, what he wants and what he needs without a single thought to me. I have to go back to counting on people to fetch me to and from work.
Fine. I tried. I really did, but 7 years later, he still can't pick me up on time. And I'm working 2 roads away.
Not only does he make me wait, Lyd has to wait too because she can't leave until I do.
It won't be the first time I ask myself what does being a family mean.
It should be clear by now that I'm the only one who thinks the idea of a family holds some importance, because that's the only reason I keep trying and trying.. and not a single person returns the gesture.
Why does a person who gives in have to keep giving in, while the person who has been taking keeps taking?
It was always I who felt too much, while nobody feels a thing for what I try to do.
It is times like these when the urge to leave is the strongest.
And I can do it.
After so many years, I can say that this time, I can leave without looking back.