Saturday, April 7, 2012

Events to come..

Driving to work as usual on Friday morning, then I turned up into KL and found myself staring at a huge billboard featuring Tim Burton's new movie, Dark Shadows! So awesome!! Now I have something else to look forward to in May!! Video Games Live is also in May, and I already have the ticket <3
Another good news is, I found out I could utilize my staff travel ticket by July, which means I can make it in time for Tim Burton's exhibition in La Cinematheque, Paris!!! It ends August 5th. I was so happy when I found out, I literally leaped around the office in joy. Of course, it is still subject to balloting so there's still a slight chance I may not get it, if there are other staffs traveling to the same destination at the same time.. but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. And saving up for the trip. Which means no spending on books. Dang.
I'm wondering if I should still go for Avenged Sevenfold's concert here and L'Arc en Ciel in Singapore :(