1. I graduated.. finally! (Second upper! It was a pleasant surprise.)
2. I found a job.
3. And it led me to you.
4. Trip to Korea and seeing snow for the first time. It was incredibly beautiful. I'm definitely making another trip back. This time, in Autumn.
5. Video Games Live! Thank you for coming to Malaysia again.
6. Distant Worlds! Damn, it was awesome.
7. MIYAVIIIIIII!! OHMYHOLYDUCKS. That was the best part of 2012... no, the best part of my life. I still can't believe he came. And we finally saw him up-close and finally heard him live. He was so awesome. We waited up at the club for him until 3am AND IT WAS SO WORTH IT. Because as he left, he walked up to our table, grabbed my head and hugged meeeee *_* &*@^#@%&#@&. Thank you for that, Miyavi. You've ruined me for any other guy (well, except one. If he would love me, I'd choose him over you.)
8. Oh, and meeting Drummer-san (Motokatsu Miyagami). Thanks for trying to take a photo with us even though it didn't turn out. I still wish we had that photo of us though.
9. I got a new car. But there are days when I miss my little Kelisa.
10. Went to Singapore for training and met many colleagues from all over the world. It was a really good experience.
11. New camera! My trusty Samsung NX1000. I also got a free 50-200mm lens out of it :)
12. Just when I thought everything was going well, you announced your inevitable departure. And it felt like I was forced to wake up from a dream.
2012 was a pretty interesting year. Many ups and downs and new adventures. I met a person I never thought I'd meet in this lifetime. I followed you for 10 years, Miyavi! I got into a job without any prior experience in the airline industry nor knowledge of what I would be doing. And so far it's been fun. It led me to this one incredibly awesome person and he had to leave. It was a great 10 months together though, wasn't it?
I'm looking ahead right now. I wonder what would 2013 bring.