It's amazing how you always IM me when I'm feeling super down at work. It's almost like you knew.. I needed someone to speak to, not about my problems but just random conversation to take my mind off whatever's stressing me out.
But of course you wouldn't know. You just happened to have spectacular timing.
In the midst of speaking about work, you surprised me with a,
"On a side note, are you alright?"
And then you tell me it's because something sounds wrong with me.
We're both just typing words...Was I really that obvious? Or do you just know me too well?
If only you knew how many I came thisss close to asking if I could please call you, because I really need to speak to you, just to hear your voice.
I need to remind myself that you're still real.
I didn't imagine our past year together.
If I could re-live 2012... even for a moment.