So, new year came and went.
And in January, the word you'll often hear is most likely "resolution".
You have any?
Well, for me... sure I do. Got a few floating around in my head, same ol' ones I make year after year, I don't think they're on their way to being fulfilled just yet.
Too much dreaming, too little action.
The most important resolution for 2014, is finding a new job.
I spent the better part of last year trying and trying, but it just didn't work out.
It's just my problem that I can't accept.
I have loans and stuff that I need to pay every month, and no willpower to save.
Oh yeah, there's the other resolution. I need to save!
From now on, it's just e-books all the way for me. No buying! Until I have something to show in my bank account anyway.
And no more concerts!
.... after Miyavi in February, of course. My ticket comes with a Meet and Greet session! (super excited)
ONE OK ROCK may have mentioned they are doing a world tour this year....
Okay. There. Two resolutions I'm almost confident of keeping.
The rest, I hope, will come in due time. I haven't given up hope (yet).
Here's to a great year ahead!