Saturday, May 17, 2014


It's my 26th birthday!
The years are zooming by so fast, it drowns out my voice when I try to shout, "wait up!".

What can I say about being alive for 26 years?
Well, for starters, it feels much longer than that...

There were days that felt like it went on forever,
and there were days when I wished time would stop.
There were days when I felt helpless,
and days when I was ready to take on everything life threw in my direction.
There were days when everything felt so unreal, I questioned my own reality,
and there were days when I felt more alive than I have ever been.
There were nights when I fell asleep knowing exactly what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be,
only to wake up the next day feeling lost and disoriented.
There were days when I just want to be content with life,
and days when I couldn't stand everything around me, and I want to run away.
There were days when I wished he is happy with life,
and many many days when I wished he is not, because I'm not there.
There were nights when I yearned for unnameable things,
and wake up knowing I might never have a chance at these things.
There were days when I want to let go,
and days when holding on is the only thing I can do when everything feels out of control.

And yet, I want more days and more nights. Over and over again.
I want to feel. Over and over again.
Such is the cycle of life, no?