Late night packing + insomnia most likely due to excitement = blogging at night again.
Finally, I'm going to Japan! It's a short trip, but hey, I'll take what I can get.
Packing's taking too long because I'm unsure what the weather is like.
Reading things like "..Japan is still July-warm.." / hearing my Dad say things like "..meh, it's Genting weather.." had me rushing to put all my sweaters back in my closet.
I'm thinking it's alright to wear t-shirts as long as I have my jacket / coat, and hey, if all else fails, I can just.. buy? :D
It's Autumn now but I've been told the leaves have not turned colour so... I'm keeping my fingers crossed. But Japan is still going to be great anyway! I've been waiting for this trip for almost 10 years!
Our itinerary includes Tokyo Disneyland + (triple yes!!) Ghibli Museum!! Everyone knows out of Japan, it's pretty hard to score the tickets to Ghibli, so special thanks to Yung's diving friend, Atsuko-san who helped to ask her friend, Suzuki-san in Tokyo to buy the tickets for us. I really am eternally grateful. We'll be going with the two of them, apparently they haven't been to Ghibli either. Great! Native Japanese with us, I don't feel so pressured now. Everyone keeps telling me they are counting on me to get around in Japan (*^*)"". I stopped classes quite a while back because a) I couldn't afford the classes while I was trying to pay off my "debts" and b) I was working overtime almost everyday and missing more classes than I care to count. I thought I could do it on my own time. (Oh man, there's that excuse again). I'm still gonna try my best to continue learning on my own though.
Many people think I started learning Japanese because I like manga / anime / Japanese culture / etc.. I say this because when people find out I can speak Japanese, they say things like "... oh I bet it's because you like anime..!" I mean, yeah, I like all of that but it's not the real reason. At the same time, my explanation is not a good table-topic. I remember the first time Lydia played X Japan's "Tears" for me. We were 15 (that's 10 years ago!) and singing along to the lyrics / reading the translation she printed out and that's the first time I thought Japanese (language) sounded so beautiful. I'm not kidding! I really meant it when I said I have an affinity with words. And their lyrics just did it for me. I was utterly hooked on Japanese. And listening to X Japan / Yoshiki made me feel that it wasn't enough for me to just read English translations. It felt like something is still missing and I need to be able to understand its original language. My Japanese isn't all that great, but we can probably get by and hey, I can now understand most of the Japanese songs I listen to! Score! :)
One regret though, I wish I have the time to pay a visit to hide's grave (there's a memorial grave for his fans). I even googled the address / instructions on how to get there but I don't think I'll be able to spare the time. Moreover, I'm going with family and I REALLY doubt they will consent to go with me / let me go on my own. Safety / language barrier aside (I got that covered), my oh-so-traditional dad would FLIP if I tell him I'm going to visit a memorial grave. I can just imagine the whole scene, right down to him chaining me to his side. Well, that's that. I guess this will be a trip to make when I return to Japan with friends instead, the next time.
So.. back to packing.