Saturday, July 25, 2009

Addicted to you.

Woke up this morning at 11, and the first thing that came into my mind was "Oh crap, I'm late!". For what, I have no idea. I bounced off my bed before realising its weekend. I think its all the mental stress from a mountain of assignments.

I realised I've been so busy, I stopped updating myself with J-rock news. If Alex-san didn't tell me about it, I really wouldn't know that GazettE has a new album out! Stayed back after Jappy class for a long J-rock update with Alex-san and Jay-san.
the GazettE's album [Dim] is awesome. Tony, if you're reading this, go download it!!! Or if you already know, ignore me. [Dim] features some pretty awesome music, and the music arrangement seriously rocks *_*. Ruki's voice is so pretty, it still makes my inner fangirl scream. I can't believe Jay-san saw them live in Japan! They have this song called 13STAIRS [-] 1.
The answer is 12.
The Peace & Smile Carnival 2009 DVD is out too. the GazettE boys are wearing hakama! Its a traditional Japanese clothing. And they look really hot. Shin (kagrra,) is playing the koto for Utakata!

I'm really into this J-Rock band, called 9GOATS BLACKOUT. Thats the band name. Not kidding.
Falling in love with J-Rock all over again.


Tony said...

why would i know? i was never a big gazette fan lol. downloading albums is illegal and very unethical! how are they gonna get their income!? tell me!!

but since you asked me to... heh heh heh

madhatter said...

hahaha.. i would buy their original albums if they were sold here.. and yung wouldn't loan me his credit card to buy online in cdjapan :(

Tony said...

well since you've already downloaded it then there's no need to waste the money lah. if only yung still likes boa.. i would sell my boa stuffs and my harddisk to him lol

madhatter said...

nah. he moved on to SNSD.. hahaha.. are you into them too? they kinda remind me of super junior, female version.. lord knows why they need so many people in the band..haha

Tony said...

ofcourse im not. not unless i get to know one of them in person lol. yeah but super juniors came out first. then wonder girls (even younger). well i think its a marketing strategy. with more members, the fans have more to choose from. from young and cute to sexy and mature. sex sells.

madhatter said...

hahaha.. hey! that could be!! they have cute, sexy, short hair, long hair, tall and short. lol. surely one would appeal to the guys, right? haha.. then i think gazette and dir en grey has gotta be the most perfect band.. all hot members!!!! hahahahaha..