Thursday, July 23, 2009

Whatever comes after I'm-so-bloody-tired-I-would-kill-someone-just-to-sleep, that's how I feel right now. Went over to Chris' house yesterday night to do my design and only managed to finish it at about 10am this morning. 13 hours of drawing, drawing, more drawing and photoshop. Was late for the presentation, so I had to speed to the printers to get my board printed and speed back to college. If I'm ever involved in a road accident, we all know why. And I can't believe that piece of A1 cost me 30 bucks! Not only do designers have a short lifespan, we're all broke too. Mr. R was briefing about our final project when I reached, and then he said, no, there won't be any presentation. He just wanted to evaluate our works ._. That 30 bucks piece of presentation lasted about 10 mins, and now its sitting useless at the back of my car.
Some of us had to stay back for tutorial on 'redeveloping' our design, and one of them happened to be me. Tutorial lasted till about 5pm, then finally, I drove home in a (less than) semi-conscious state. Reached home at 6 and had some good ol' maggi mee. Sad life I'm living.

I've got Technology midterm test tomorrow which I haven't studied for, and I have to see Mr R about my Minor development design, which I haven't done.

I'll tell you what I would like to do now though.


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