Sunday, July 5, 2009

Was reading Jingna's blog a while ago. She's this girl whose blog I stalk, her photographs are awesome. And coincidentally, she loves J-Rock and clothes from Alice Auaa and Moi Meme Moitie. Anyway, was reading a post she made a while ago, and she took a picture of this special guest pass she has for X-Japan's live! And now I'm emo.
I was supposed to see X-Japan live too! In Bangkok, January. I was already saving up for it, but then that incident had to happen, and the concert was canceled. They said postponed, but we all know its as good as canceled. I don't think anyone realizes how hard it is to catch X-Japan live. The fact that they even reunited in the first place, after all these years, is something close to a miracle (for me). And to have them come as close as Bangkok for a concert! They'll never be here again for another concert, and that's one more dream left unfulfilled.

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