Friday, October 9, 2009

if there was ever a day..

.. for the worst screw-ups, yesterday would take the prize.

And somehow, I don't really think its my fault. Left the house about half an hour earlier so I could print my last presentation board. The moment I turned into the highway, I got stuck in a jam. After half an hour, I finally reached the turning to another highway. Drove like crazy, and I reached Citywrite at about 920 to print my stuff. But this dude was there ahead of me, and he was printing about 6 pieces of A1 plans. I asked if he could let me go first, as I was only printing 1 piece of A2 size, so its faster. And you know what he said? No. Oh, that selfish bitch.

Had to wait for his stuff to load because the file was really big. And while printing the last piece, the bloody file hung and it was already 945 and I was getting calls every 2 minutes asking where I was. Begged the woman from the shop to let me go first, and finally she agreed. I was about 5 minutes late and when I reached the studio, there was a big RED cross right on my name.

After I pinned up my boards (hoping my lecturer wasn't serious about us not presenting), Mr. Redzwan walked into the room and yelled "EVERYBODY LEAVE THE ROOM. I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACES. GET OUT!!!!!!" And we all ran for the door.

After the presentation (unfortunately, he WAS serious about late ones not presenting), we had a short briefing where he basically said those who didn't present are most likely screwed this semester, and then he announced the names of 10 people picked for the external review next week. I was one of them, and I think it may be cause he wanted to give me a 2nd shot (it definitely wasn't for my design). So if I don't pass this, I will definitely fail.

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