Friday, December 25, 2009

Back in time for Christmas!

I'm missing Singapore already. Shopping there is so awesome. Officially a C&K fan. I also got a new pair of high-cuts :D They're exactly like the ones in Converse, except they have studs on the front.
And let me say this, I actually spent the last 2 days in Singapore just walking. No cars, no cabs and no buses. Walking to breakfast, walking to the MRT, walking from mall to mall. Life in Singapore is the complete opposite of KL. Its a pretty big thing because..
if you had told me walk out for breakfast or to take the LRT here, I'd say 'In your dreams.'

Because the trains here stink. And there are practically no trees where I live, so you get scorched the moment you walk out.

1 comment:

Hiu Mun said...

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA~~ amitabha~~~ hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha