Monday, December 14, 2009


Adventurous day, all in all.

Went to the orphanage this morning. And it left me feeling..... something. I left with a heavy heart. Was supposed to drop Yung off at the LRT, but he convinced me to drive him down to KL. So I did. Even though my dad kinda put up a ban against me driving to KL.

And... then I got lost on the way back.

He neglected to tell me there were 2 turnings I had to take, instead of one. Next thing I knew, I was heading towards... somewhere. I didn't really feel like calling anyone for help (call it pride if you will) so, I did what my Dad taught me to, and tried to look for a road name, or a place I recognised. After driving for awhile, I found the road to KL Central, and somehow managed to find my way home :D I think I'll try KLCC next time.
Found this awesome site with some nice quotes. Thats what I spent the whole day doing.

Source: imgfave

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