... going to be one hell of a long post as I reminisce about the good ol' days.
I know I said I'm real busy, but I couldn't turn down a trip to Kinokuniya :D Met Lyd at 12 and she drove us down to KL. I collected my Nylon and 世界一初恋 and I was about to leave when I saw... Gacktionary! Yeah, it does sound weird. Its Gackt's 10th Anniversary Bible, with pages after pages of Gackt(!!) hotness~ :) I'm a happy person. I also found the Tim Burton book published by MoMA and Vivienne Westwood. Lets hope nobody decides to buy them before I do :S
After that, we drove down to Sg Wang to pay a visit to Basheer, which is (unsurprisingly) another bookstore. My very own Heaven. They have the largest collection of any types of design and art books. And now they're selling the Instax Mini I've been looking for!!!!!!!! And the PinHole camera that I now want. And the Lomo. And the Blackbird!
I don't know if I'm suddenly feeling sentimental, but on the way back home today, I suddenly had an urge to stop by Assunta. I can't believe its been 5 years since I left, and I haven't been back even once. Looking at the school, I kinda miss the simple life I once led; stress-free. Although I did cause quite a bit of trouble back then. I wouldn't call myself a bad student, but I wasn't a person to follow rules either. I just went about doing things I wanted to do... 1. Being in the same class as Lyd, Nat and Shari in Form 2 and discovering we had the same interests, so we formed p.com
2. We also formed a 'band' called 'the Victorious Veges' (inside joke).
3. In Form 2, I spent everyday holding a (usually Maths) textbook up for Lyd so she could sleep behind it -.- Its amazing how much she sleeps in class.
4. One day, while waiting for Pn Rose to come, I got bored so I drew a huge smiley face over a cardboard and put it over my face. Coincidentally, Pn Rose walked in and nobody bothered telling me, so I walked around with a cardboard over my face until I realised she was just standing there looking at me. By that time, everyone was killing themselves laughing at me. Then she asked me "Are you ready to start the class now?". After that, she looks at me suspiciously everytime she comes into class, like I was gonna whip out a cardboarc mask anytime.
5. During English class, there was an exercise where we had to write an SOS note because we're trapped on an island (which is pretty stupid, now that I think about it. What are the chances of us being stuck on an island?), and mine was "If you're hot, please come and save me. If you're not, put this note back where you found it." And Shari wrote "To whomever who finds this, there will be a party on the island. Please come and bring beer." And we had to read it out loud.
6. My BM teacher, En Mustafa has this perverse sense of humor in making me sing the "Kalau anda 8A, tepuk tangan" song he invented, in front of the class everyday. I still don't know why it has to be me. Everyone had a good time laughing everytime I sang the song.
7. Shari was caught doing her Science homework during Maths, and Pn Seah threw her notebooks out of the window. After class, she made me climb out the window to get it back because I was the only one who could fit the small hole. Think I scared the class next door.
8. Once I forgot to do my homework which I had to pass up on that day, so I hid under the desk for a whole period, pretending I was absent. Just as the class was about to end, En Raub decided to walk behind and found me under the desk. And he was so pissed.
9. In Form5, I really hated Add Maths, so I would pretend to go to the toilet, but instead I'd go to Lyd's class and sit with her. I didn't get caught for 2 weeks, until one day, Miss Ho walked past and saw me. And she asked me "Is this where the toilet is?". Lol! After that, she told me if I didn't come back within 10 minutes every time I go out, she'll send someone after me.
10. In Form 4, I didn't do my Physics homework for a year, until Pn Salima(?) threatened to call my parents, after which, I copied Leen's homework. I'm sorry I did that, but I really wasn't into Physics. At all. In fact, I'm still surprised I even passed with reasonable results. Thank you, Malaysia's grading system *insert sarcasm*
11. I used to make up Maths formulas during my tests because I don't remember them, and when Miss Ho handed back the papers, she'd say "I don't remember teaching you that." I made up formulas in Chemistry too. Everyone should thank God I didn't go into the Science stream. I will kill a lot of people.
12. Thanks to Yung who just won't wake up on time, I had to wash toilets in school for 2 whole weeks because I was always late. Finally, they got bored and stopped making me do it. Anyway, it was a waste of water, really, all I did was just throw 2 buckets of water onto the floor of each cubicle.
I can't believe I really did some of those things, like hiding under a desk. And not handing in my homework for a year. If I tried that now, I'd be kicked out of college.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Ah, I'm so screwed.
I don't know what possessed me to promise Ms Baizura that I'll finish my model by Tuesday's 10am tutorial. I have less than 3 days!
I think I just signed my own death warrant.
Omg. Stupid stupid stupid!
I don't know what possessed me to promise Ms Baizura that I'll finish my model by Tuesday's 10am tutorial. I have less than 3 days!
I think I just signed my own death warrant.
Omg. Stupid stupid stupid!
Hello, friday! :D
Crit was good yesterday. Aside from forgetting to draw my floor and roof structure support properly ("Is your ceiling and floor floating?") and my not-so-3D perspective. Think I may get decent marks :D Yay! Had some SABE gathering in the afternoon where we were "invited", and forced to accept ("If you're not coming, we'll send your names to the Dean"). Otherwise I would have gone home at 1 and slept the entire day away. The funniest part of the gathering was this afro-haired foreigner. I really have to post this up cause I find it hilarious that he would say it in front of the whole Board of Directors/lecturers and every student in SABE.
Lecturer: "Right, so now I'm going to explain some of the FAQ in our college so you guys won't have to come and see me everytime. Scenario A: I have to sit for my final examination today but I'm sick with flu and fever and I can't get out of bed. What do I do? Help!!"
Afro-haired guy: "Call 911 and they'll send me to the hospital."
The real answer is get a certified MC, medical report and submit it to the Exams Office.
"Scenario B: I failed Bldg Tech 1 and will have to retake the subject. How many times can I retake a subject? What will happen then?"
"You can retake the subject as many times as you want, as long as you have money.
The real answer is 3 times.
I guess he knows what our country really is like.
After that, they pretty much ignored him when he raised his hand.
Crit was good yesterday. Aside from forgetting to draw my floor and roof structure support properly ("Is your ceiling and floor floating?") and my not-so-3D perspective. Think I may get decent marks :D Yay! Had some SABE gathering in the afternoon where we were "invited", and forced to accept ("If you're not coming, we'll send your names to the Dean"). Otherwise I would have gone home at 1 and slept the entire day away. The funniest part of the gathering was this afro-haired foreigner. I really have to post this up cause I find it hilarious that he would say it in front of the whole Board of Directors/lecturers and every student in SABE.
Lecturer: "Right, so now I'm going to explain some of the FAQ in our college so you guys won't have to come and see me everytime. Scenario A: I have to sit for my final examination today but I'm sick with flu and fever and I can't get out of bed. What do I do? Help!!"
Afro-haired guy: "Call 911 and they'll send me to the hospital."
The real answer is get a certified MC, medical report and submit it to the Exams Office.
"Scenario B: I failed Bldg Tech 1 and will have to retake the subject. How many times can I retake a subject? What will happen then?"
"You can retake the subject as many times as you want, as long as you have money.
The real answer is 3 times.
I guess he knows what our country really is like.
After that, they pretty much ignored him when he raised his hand.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
You know how people always say that when you grow up, you slowly stop fearing....things you were once afraid of. Well, they're lying. Either that, or that theory does not apply to me.
This is the 2nd time I've cried upon encountering a cockroach. I've never done that before last time.
Screaming, yes. Crying, no.
I don't mean to, but it just comes automatically.
Just now, a cockroach (must have) flown in through the bathroom window and it crawled into my room. I ran down to get Yung, so he could kill it for me. And he came up and said something along the lines of "leave it alone". And I was like "Dude!! Its in my room!!! KILL IT!!!" (this is when I start crying)
He turns around, notices me crying, and says "You gotta be kidding me. This is damn funny. Can I record it?"
And then he tells me that apparently he can't bring himself to kill living things, and proceeded to play a game of chase with the friggin' cockroach in my room, making me cringe every time it moves. All the while he was giving me a play-by-play of its movements; saying stuff like "oh, its moving" and "oh, its climbing up the door now". I was like "I don't care!! Just hit the bloody thing!!" Which he didn't. Which leads me to believe that if he ever found a cockroach in his room, not only would he not hit it, he would most likely make it a bed to sleep in. I would have killed it myself if I dared to go anywhere near it. After about a million years of me screaming and crying, he hits it and it scrambled around for a while and flew.
More screaming and I ran outside and yelled "Just kill the goddamn thing!!!!!"
Then my mom came out of her room looking all pissed, she grabs the roll of newspapers, walked into the toilet and killed it for me. All in less than 3 minutes.
Which is what Yung should have done in the first place.
This is the 2nd time I've cried upon encountering a cockroach. I've never done that before last time.
Screaming, yes. Crying, no.
I don't mean to, but it just comes automatically.
Just now, a cockroach (must have) flown in through the bathroom window and it crawled into my room. I ran down to get Yung, so he could kill it for me. And he came up and said something along the lines of "leave it alone". And I was like "Dude!! Its in my room!!! KILL IT!!!" (this is when I start crying)
He turns around, notices me crying, and says "You gotta be kidding me. This is damn funny. Can I record it?"
And then he tells me that apparently he can't bring himself to kill living things, and proceeded to play a game of chase with the friggin' cockroach in my room, making me cringe every time it moves. All the while he was giving me a play-by-play of its movements; saying stuff like "oh, its moving" and "oh, its climbing up the door now". I was like "I don't care!! Just hit the bloody thing!!" Which he didn't. Which leads me to believe that if he ever found a cockroach in his room, not only would he not hit it, he would most likely make it a bed to sleep in. I would have killed it myself if I dared to go anywhere near it. After about a million years of me screaming and crying, he hits it and it scrambled around for a while and flew.
More screaming and I ran outside and yelled "Just kill the goddamn thing!!!!!"
Then my mom came out of her room looking all pissed, she grabs the roll of newspapers, walked into the toilet and killed it for me. All in less than 3 minutes.
Which is what Yung should have done in the first place.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
"Betrayal should be a sin"
... Read that in one of the tumblr I'm following and it kinda stuck to me.
I agree with it whole-heartedly.
I kinda got myself stuck in the middle of a situation that I probably shouldn't have gotten involved in.
Its funny how I always seem to do that.
I really need to stop standing up for other people. Its their problem if they can't solve their problem, right?
But this time its my brother..
So, yeah. I have a bad feeling about this.
I wish people could just be... true to one another. If you made the decision to stay with a person, then you should keep to that. Could you really just wake up one day and decide you're tired of what you have, and you want something new? Read a book 2 days ago (even though I really should be doing my work) and the girl says;
“I want him to be special”, she said, looking back towards the rose garden. “Heart of my heart, soul of my soul. It is foolish to wait for him, I know. Very few people actually do find that one unique mate we probably all dream of finding. But I have never yet been able to persuade myself to settle for less.”
I don't think anyone says things like this anymore. Now its all about looks and wealth and materialistic things that will fade away all too soon and leave nothing but regrets and resentment for each other. Its sad, really.
When would anyone ever realize?
I'm not saying everyone should just sit around and wait. But at the very least, be sure of your decision.
Then maybe you won't be complaining and regretting...
.. to random people.
This dude whom I don't know (could be a friend of a friend), started talking to me a few days ago, complaining about his cheating girlfriend. And he told me it was because he cheated first.
So why are they even still together, I will never know.
I agree with it whole-heartedly.
I kinda got myself stuck in the middle of a situation that I probably shouldn't have gotten involved in.
Its funny how I always seem to do that.
I really need to stop standing up for other people. Its their problem if they can't solve their problem, right?
But this time its my brother..
So, yeah. I have a bad feeling about this.
I wish people could just be... true to one another. If you made the decision to stay with a person, then you should keep to that. Could you really just wake up one day and decide you're tired of what you have, and you want something new? Read a book 2 days ago (even though I really should be doing my work) and the girl says;
“I want him to be special”, she said, looking back towards the rose garden. “Heart of my heart, soul of my soul. It is foolish to wait for him, I know. Very few people actually do find that one unique mate we probably all dream of finding. But I have never yet been able to persuade myself to settle for less.”
I don't think anyone says things like this anymore. Now its all about looks and wealth and materialistic things that will fade away all too soon and leave nothing but regrets and resentment for each other. Its sad, really.
When would anyone ever realize?
I'm not saying everyone should just sit around and wait. But at the very least, be sure of your decision.
Then maybe you won't be complaining and regretting...
.. to random people.
This dude whom I don't know (could be a friend of a friend), started talking to me a few days ago, complaining about his cheating girlfriend. And he told me it was because he cheated first.
So why are they even still together, I will never know.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Remind me never to be stuck in the car with my dad and bro together.
I hate being the middle person in every episode of "brothers vs parents".
If they fight, I'm the one who's supposed to talk to the involved parties about their problems.
Does anyone realize its not my duty to be the driver/night police/psychiatrist shit, where everyone comes and complains to me.
Like just now, for instance.
Wanted to sleep early tonight but my bro had to go down to KL for work, and my dad was too tired to drive. So I drove instead. Less than 5 minutes in the car, and they somehow managed to piss each other off. So my dad remained in a bad mood for the rest of the journey and took it out on me, by commenting on my driving. Like how going at 60 is too fast. How slow does he want me to go then? 20? We might as well all get down and walk to KL then.
After a while, he started commenting about how I always come home late and not knowing how dangerous that is, something has to happen before I know it, and there I was trying to figure when did I even go out in the first place. I haven't been out since college started, much less stay out until 2am.
I feel like I'm a medium for my family members to let out their anger. I should start charging.
I hate being the middle person in every episode of "brothers vs parents".
If they fight, I'm the one who's supposed to talk to the involved parties about their problems.
Does anyone realize its not my duty to be the driver/night police/psychiatrist shit, where everyone comes and complains to me.
Like just now, for instance.
Wanted to sleep early tonight but my bro had to go down to KL for work, and my dad was too tired to drive. So I drove instead. Less than 5 minutes in the car, and they somehow managed to piss each other off. So my dad remained in a bad mood for the rest of the journey and took it out on me, by commenting on my driving. Like how going at 60 is too fast. How slow does he want me to go then? 20? We might as well all get down and walk to KL then.
After a while, he started commenting about how I always come home late and not knowing how dangerous that is, something has to happen before I know it, and there I was trying to figure when did I even go out in the first place. I haven't been out since college started, much less stay out until 2am.
I feel like I'm a medium for my family members to let out their anger. I should start charging.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
100th post!;
Ugh. Stuck at home alone. Got a lot to do for design tomorrow, so I can't go for a movie with my parents. But I'm not motivated to do my work. That explains why I'm writing this.
First model sculpting class today. Its so much harder than it looks. And at the end of the class, I don't think my model looked anything like the original. Lol.
I had to do a figure of Yoda.
And this is ours. Huge difference.
First model sculpting class today. Its so much harder than it looks. And at the end of the class, I don't think my model looked anything like the original. Lol.
I had to do a figure of Yoda.
And this is ours. Huge difference.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Watching Yoshiki play piano..
.. makes me wish I didn't quit all those years ago. But picking up piano and (acoustic) guitar again is part of my resolution for this year :D I just need to make out some time to practice, since I'm home most of the time anyway.
I still check the Thailand ticket-booking site regularly. And it still says 'postponed' for X-Japan's concert. Sometimes, I wish they would just change it. Seeing that word gives me a kind of false hope; like anytime now, X-Japan would decide to come back to Bangkok for a live gig. Even though we all know there's zero chance of that really happening, I can't help but keep checking every few weeks for changes.
I wonder why do all the best bands die so fast.
Yoshiki playing Endless Rain. Still my favorite X-Japan song among all :) ...and Amethyst!
I still check the Thailand ticket-booking site regularly. And it still says 'postponed' for X-Japan's concert. Sometimes, I wish they would just change it. Seeing that word gives me a kind of false hope; like anytime now, X-Japan would decide to come back to Bangkok for a live gig. Even though we all know there's zero chance of that really happening, I can't help but keep checking every few weeks for changes.
I wonder why do all the best bands die so fast.
Yoshiki playing Endless Rain. Still my favorite X-Japan song among all :) ...and Amethyst!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
(Thank god its Friday!)
I can finally get some decent sleep tonight. But I'll probably have to wake up at 7-8am tomorrow. Oh, the horror! Spent 20 minutes chasing after a small lizard with my Dad outside our rooms, me with a stick and Dad with a plastic bag. I think it was trying to pick a room to live in. Because the first time I saw it, it was outside my parents room. I went down and came back up, and it was in front of my brother's room. I got a bit worried since my room is right next door so I arranged a bunch of shoeboxes outside my door and when I came back up, it was on top of the boxes!
I yelled for my Dad and the chase began. It was kinda funny, watching my Dad chase after it with a bag.
Another 1 and half years, and I'll get my baby (golden retriever) ^_^
I started folding paper cranes. I have no idea why. Its really fun though. If you take off the wings, they look like dinosaurs :D Brontosaurus? The plant-eating one. Don't ask me how that happened. Maybe I did something wrong.
I can finally get some decent sleep tonight. But I'll probably have to wake up at 7-8am tomorrow. Oh, the horror! Spent 20 minutes chasing after a small lizard with my Dad outside our rooms, me with a stick and Dad with a plastic bag. I think it was trying to pick a room to live in. Because the first time I saw it, it was outside my parents room. I went down and came back up, and it was in front of my brother's room. I got a bit worried since my room is right next door so I arranged a bunch of shoeboxes outside my door and when I came back up, it was on top of the boxes!
I yelled for my Dad and the chase began. It was kinda funny, watching my Dad chase after it with a bag.
Another 1 and half years, and I'll get my baby (golden retriever) ^_^
I started folding paper cranes. I have no idea why. Its really fun though. If you take off the wings, they look like dinosaurs :D Brontosaurus? The plant-eating one. Don't ask me how that happened. Maybe I did something wrong.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
.. this tour intro kills me. I can't stop watching it. Zacky and Syn fooling around with Photo Booth on Mac.
I am coming up blank for tomorrow's design tutorial. Because of work, I barely got any sleep last weekend. Once I come back after work in the middle of the night, I had to start on my assignments instead of going straight to bed like normal people do. So I'm pretty much miserable. Plus MSN is being a total bitch and I can't go online... at all. -.-
Watching Lifehouse's Everything on youtube, and I see everyone arguing about whether he wrote the song about Jesus (or not). And everyone is like 'yes, its a Christian song' and 'no, its a love song'. In light of whats going on now, I really have to say.. I don't understand how people think sometimes. Is it really that important? To let everyone know your religion is more superior than the others? Everyone has their own way of thinking, lets just leave it at that. Why do they have to force others to do and think as they do?
I'm not a religious person, I have to admit. I've been to church for fun, I've read the bible, but I've also read books on Buddhism and the teachings of Buddha. If you ask me, I'd choose Buddhism anytime. I guess stuff like Karma and being told that if you do good, you'll receive goodness and vice versa is more believable (and achievable) than Moses parting the Red Sea and Noah and the Great Flood. I don't doubt the existence of God, but its scientifically hard to believe something that has no substance; no solid proof that it exists except faith.
I guess all I'm trying to say is, why waste your time and breath over something that you (most probably) cannot change? Don't they have anything better to do with their lives? There are children dying; being forced into labour, people starving; with no clothes and no homes, animals going extinct; senseless killings of sharks, whales and dolphins. Wouldn't God want them to help these people, and these animals rather than fighting to prove He existed earlier than some other religion?
We can do something about this. Why do we not do it?
I am coming up blank for tomorrow's design tutorial. Because of work, I barely got any sleep last weekend. Once I come back after work in the middle of the night, I had to start on my assignments instead of going straight to bed like normal people do. So I'm pretty much miserable. Plus MSN is being a total bitch and I can't go online... at all. -.-
Watching Lifehouse's Everything on youtube, and I see everyone arguing about whether he wrote the song about Jesus (or not). And everyone is like 'yes, its a Christian song' and 'no, its a love song'. In light of whats going on now, I really have to say.. I don't understand how people think sometimes. Is it really that important? To let everyone know your religion is more superior than the others? Everyone has their own way of thinking, lets just leave it at that. Why do they have to force others to do and think as they do?
I'm not a religious person, I have to admit. I've been to church for fun, I've read the bible, but I've also read books on Buddhism and the teachings of Buddha. If you ask me, I'd choose Buddhism anytime. I guess stuff like Karma and being told that if you do good, you'll receive goodness and vice versa is more believable (and achievable) than Moses parting the Red Sea and Noah and the Great Flood. I don't doubt the existence of God, but its scientifically hard to believe something that has no substance; no solid proof that it exists except faith.
I guess all I'm trying to say is, why waste your time and breath over something that you (most probably) cannot change? Don't they have anything better to do with their lives? There are children dying; being forced into labour, people starving; with no clothes and no homes, animals going extinct; senseless killings of sharks, whales and dolphins. Wouldn't God want them to help these people, and these animals rather than fighting to prove He existed earlier than some other religion?
We can do something about this. Why do we not do it?
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I am completely trashed. My legs are hurting like bitches. Had class at 930am till 12pm. And this is where I found out my Technology lecturer last semester was really quite... useless, for the lack of a better word. Its shocking how much she (didn't) teach us. Had work after that, at 1pm, so I sped home to change into work clothes and drove over to Lyd's place in DJ to meet up, all in 45 minutes. But then on the way to PWTC, Nut's car died..
...in the FAST lane. It was really funny. Caused a bit of a jam, I think everyone was cursing us.
She called her mom and we all sat at the side of the road for nearly an hour, waiting for the tow truck. And the random cars kept honking at us. It wasn't that we were blocking their way. Its as if they think, by honking at us randomly, the car would magically restart again. Or some shit. I don't know.
Started work at 3pm. The workers were (not so) efficient so in the end, we had to do some of their work, so we could start ours. Lugging stacks after stacks of chairs and arrange them around the tables. In the dark. Without air-cond, a fan or any other form of..whatever you call it. That place was damn sad.
Finally finished at about 1130pm.
...in the FAST lane. It was really funny. Caused a bit of a jam, I think everyone was cursing us.
She called her mom and we all sat at the side of the road for nearly an hour, waiting for the tow truck. And the random cars kept honking at us. It wasn't that we were blocking their way. Its as if they think, by honking at us randomly, the car would magically restart again. Or some shit. I don't know.
Started work at 3pm. The workers were (not so) efficient so in the end, we had to do some of their work, so we could start ours. Lugging stacks after stacks of chairs and arrange them around the tables. In the dark. Without air-cond, a fan or any other form of..whatever you call it. That place was damn sad.
Finally finished at about 1130pm.
And that's just the first floor. Had to do another floor too.
Tear down's tomorrow at 8pm. Legs, don't fail me.
I got 2 snowglobes from Lyd. Yay~ My collection is growing.
Tear down's tomorrow at 8pm. Legs, don't fail me.
I got 2 snowglobes from Lyd. Yay~ My collection is growing.
Friday, January 8, 2010
I'm much too young to fall..
Zacky sounds so cool when he's singing that line, live.. <3
This is how I feel right now. My mind is stuck at the moment. So I'm taking random pictures of my soft toys :D Thats a lamb, btw. My mom chucked them all into the washing machine for a bath. Thats why she's so white. I've got a bunch of pictures of them clipped on the hanger to dry. Haha.
I'm sleepy. Back to getting 4 hours of sleep per day.
Today was a bad day for a site visit. And I'm really beginning to hate public transports here. The train was delayed twice because it died or something just as stupid, and when it finally came, everyone was pushing their way in like rugby players. Then, Aidin had his bag switched in McD's and lost all his passport and documents, camera, iPod and stuff.
We finally reached our site 2-3 hours later. After taking pictures and measurements of our site, we went back into the Bangsar station to be told the train will be delayed, yet again. So we took a bus to Mid Valley instead.
I didn't feel like taking the train back so I called Dad to come get me and drop me off at Cheras to get my car. But he decided to drop my mom off for CNY shopping instead -.-
I bought another pair of shoes. Very pretty sequined ballet flats that do not look like something I would wear.
I have no idea what brought on the sudden obsession for shoes.
I'm about to give up on sketching concepts.
Scratch that. I'm giving up. Good night.
This is how I feel right now. My mind is stuck at the moment. So I'm taking random pictures of my soft toys :D Thats a lamb, btw. My mom chucked them all into the washing machine for a bath. Thats why she's so white. I've got a bunch of pictures of them clipped on the hanger to dry. Haha.
I'm sleepy. Back to getting 4 hours of sleep per day.
Today was a bad day for a site visit. And I'm really beginning to hate public transports here. The train was delayed twice because it died or something just as stupid, and when it finally came, everyone was pushing their way in like rugby players. Then, Aidin had his bag switched in McD's and lost all his passport and documents, camera, iPod and stuff.
We finally reached our site 2-3 hours later. After taking pictures and measurements of our site, we went back into the Bangsar station to be told the train will be delayed, yet again. So we took a bus to Mid Valley instead.
I didn't feel like taking the train back so I called Dad to come get me and drop me off at Cheras to get my car. But he decided to drop my mom off for CNY shopping instead -.-
I bought another pair of shoes. Very pretty sequined ballet flats that do not look like something I would wear.
I have no idea what brought on the sudden obsession for shoes.
I'm about to give up on sketching concepts.
Scratch that. I'm giving up. Good night.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Shortest class ever today. 30 minutes of briefing + assignment handout and we're done for the day.
We're doing sculpting for Minor this time o_o; making clay models of conceptual characters and environment landscapes. Its like... making Jabba the Hutt-style creatures, which is really hard. And making mini-environment sets like Nightmare Before Christmas.
The ice-breaker assignment is a 2' x 2' painting of our own design of a Time Machine. Which got me thinking. If only we really have something like that. I'd go back to 24th October 2008. I wouldn't miss A7x in Singapore, if I knew that would be my only chance to see them. Ahh! Shut up, brain.
Watched The Imaginarium with my parents :D Quite interesting.. Dad thought it was boring. I don't think he really understood the storyline. Anyway, I really loved the set designs for the Imaginarium, and of course Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp and Jude Law all in one <3. I'd marry them in a heartbeat. Yung said "If you were to put all your 'husbands' together, you'd have your own country."
I think he's right. What a good idea.
Supposed to sleep early tonight, but its late now. And I'm hungry.
Think I'm gonna just go to sleep. And maybe my stomach will shut up in a while.
We're doing sculpting for Minor this time o_o; making clay models of conceptual characters and environment landscapes. Its like... making Jabba the Hutt-style creatures, which is really hard. And making mini-environment sets like Nightmare Before Christmas.
The ice-breaker assignment is a 2' x 2' painting of our own design of a Time Machine. Which got me thinking. If only we really have something like that. I'd go back to 24th October 2008. I wouldn't miss A7x in Singapore, if I knew that would be my only chance to see them. Ahh! Shut up, brain.
Watched The Imaginarium with my parents :D Quite interesting.. Dad thought it was boring. I don't think he really understood the storyline. Anyway, I really loved the set designs for the Imaginarium, and of course Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp and Jude Law all in one <3. I'd marry them in a heartbeat. Yung said "If you were to put all your 'husbands' together, you'd have your own country."
I think he's right. What a good idea.
Supposed to sleep early tonight, but its late now. And I'm hungry.
Think I'm gonna just go to sleep. And maybe my stomach will shut up in a while.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Day 9..
.. and I still can't accept it. I don't know why. I miss you, even though I don't know you.
Assignments start tomorrow with Minor 2. Its Mr Redzwan again, so yay~ But he's so 'genki' about assignments, it makes me feel tired just thinking about it. This sem's teaching plan seems abit off. Seems shorter somehow. Which is a good thing right? Our big site visit is on the first week of February, which is a lot earlier than the previous ones. And we're going to Singapore! :D I hope there are no last minute changes. Like last semester, we were supposed to go to Sarawak, but ended up going to Janda Baik instead.
Got this funky part-time lecturer for Building Science 1, who tells us stuff like "If you want to eat in class, then you'll have to buy my share too." and "I will occasionally call your name in class to answer my questions, for example "How are you today?" I was abit wtf-speechless. And he pronounces calculations as 'cal-koooo-la-tions' and says "let know me" instead of "let me know". I'm pretty sure he's not trying to be funny because he said that at least 5 times in class.
M. Shadows and The Rev
Went to Kinokuniya early in the morning to buy sketchbooks for design class. 3 sketchbooks for 70 bucks!! And I got lost on the way home again.... I had to admit, I was being a smartass; the moment I read the word "Petaling" on the signboard I just turned, conveniently missing the word "Bukit" right next to it. Next thing I know, I was on my way to Agong's palace. There were policemen all over the area and I was the only car there so they were all staring at me suspiciously. But at least now I know my way to KLCC. \o\ /o/Assignments start tomorrow with Minor 2. Its Mr Redzwan again, so yay~ But he's so 'genki' about assignments, it makes me feel tired just thinking about it. This sem's teaching plan seems abit off. Seems shorter somehow. Which is a good thing right? Our big site visit is on the first week of February, which is a lot earlier than the previous ones. And we're going to Singapore! :D I hope there are no last minute changes. Like last semester, we were supposed to go to Sarawak, but ended up going to Janda Baik instead.
Got this funky part-time lecturer for Building Science 1, who tells us stuff like "If you want to eat in class, then you'll have to buy my share too." and "I will occasionally call your name in class to answer my questions, for example "How are you today?" I was abit wtf-speechless. And he pronounces calculations as 'cal-koooo-la-tions' and says "let know me" instead of "let me know". I'm pretty sure he's not trying to be funny because he said that at least 5 times in class.
Friday, January 1, 2010
see you on the other side..;
What better way to spend the first day of the new year than going to a bookstore?
Note to self: Never step into Kinokuniya again with less than 300 bucks in my wallet.
There is something soothing about being surrounded by books. If I could, I would live in a bookstore.. Anyway, I'm pretty glad 2009 is over. Even though this means I will be another year older. Soon.. Wasn't in the mood to celebrate or do anything yesterday. That bit of news about The Rev is still bothering me, so I walked around with a cloud over my head the whole day. I just wanted to stay at home and watch some A7X DVDs. People are funny that way, I think. You never give much thought to whats around until its gone. Then, you search around for things.... bits and pieces that reminds you of it. But I got dragged off to see fireworks with my parents who told me I shouldn't stay at home alone on New Year's Eve with the TV for company. I really don't see the problem, even though it sounds really sad when I put it like this. Lol. In the end, I spent 10 minutes trying to look excited staring up at the sky. This may be the first time fireworks failed to make me smile.
Here's to hoping 2010 will be better.
College starts in 2 days. I'm going to make it through all the sleepless nights this year even if it kills me.
Note to self: Never step into Kinokuniya again with less than 300 bucks in my wallet.
There is something soothing about being surrounded by books. If I could, I would live in a bookstore.. Anyway, I'm pretty glad 2009 is over. Even though this means I will be another year older. Soon.. Wasn't in the mood to celebrate or do anything yesterday. That bit of news about The Rev is still bothering me, so I walked around with a cloud over my head the whole day. I just wanted to stay at home and watch some A7X DVDs. People are funny that way, I think. You never give much thought to whats around until its gone. Then, you search around for things.... bits and pieces that reminds you of it. But I got dragged off to see fireworks with my parents who told me I shouldn't stay at home alone on New Year's Eve with the TV for company. I really don't see the problem, even though it sounds really sad when I put it like this. Lol. In the end, I spent 10 minutes trying to look excited staring up at the sky. This may be the first time fireworks failed to make me smile.
Here's to hoping 2010 will be better.
College starts in 2 days. I'm going to make it through all the sleepless nights this year even if it kills me.
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