... going to be one hell of a long post as I reminisce about the good ol' days.
I know I said I'm real busy, but I couldn't turn down a trip to Kinokuniya :D Met Lyd at 12 and she drove us down to KL. I collected my Nylon and 世界一初恋 and I was about to leave when I saw... Gacktionary! Yeah, it does sound weird. Its Gackt's 10th Anniversary Bible, with pages after pages of Gackt(!!) hotness~ :) I'm a happy person. I also found the Tim Burton book published by MoMA and Vivienne Westwood. Lets hope nobody decides to buy them before I do :S
After that, we drove down to Sg Wang to pay a visit to Basheer, which is (unsurprisingly) another bookstore. My very own Heaven. They have the largest collection of any types of design and art books. And now they're selling the Instax Mini I've been looking for!!!!!!!! And the PinHole camera that I now want. And the Lomo. And the Blackbird!
I don't know if I'm suddenly feeling sentimental, but on the way back home today, I suddenly had an urge to stop by Assunta. I can't believe its been 5 years since I left, and I haven't been back even once. Looking at the school, I kinda miss the simple life I once led; stress-free. Although I did cause quite a bit of trouble back then. I wouldn't call myself a bad student, but I wasn't a person to follow rules either. I just went about doing things I wanted to do... 1. Being in the same class as Lyd, Nat and Shari in Form 2 and discovering we had the same interests, so we formed p.com
2. We also formed a 'band' called 'the Victorious Veges' (inside joke).
3. In Form 2, I spent everyday holding a (usually Maths) textbook up for Lyd so she could sleep behind it -.- Its amazing how much she sleeps in class.
4. One day, while waiting for Pn Rose to come, I got bored so I drew a huge smiley face over a cardboard and put it over my face. Coincidentally, Pn Rose walked in and nobody bothered telling me, so I walked around with a cardboard over my face until I realised she was just standing there looking at me. By that time, everyone was killing themselves laughing at me. Then she asked me "Are you ready to start the class now?". After that, she looks at me suspiciously everytime she comes into class, like I was gonna whip out a cardboarc mask anytime.
5. During English class, there was an exercise where we had to write an SOS note because we're trapped on an island (which is pretty stupid, now that I think about it. What are the chances of us being stuck on an island?), and mine was "If you're hot, please come and save me. If you're not, put this note back where you found it." And Shari wrote "To whomever who finds this, there will be a party on the island. Please come and bring beer." And we had to read it out loud.
6. My BM teacher, En Mustafa has this perverse sense of humor in making me sing the "Kalau anda 8A, tepuk tangan" song he invented, in front of the class everyday. I still don't know why it has to be me. Everyone had a good time laughing everytime I sang the song.
7. Shari was caught doing her Science homework during Maths, and Pn Seah threw her notebooks out of the window. After class, she made me climb out the window to get it back because I was the only one who could fit the small hole. Think I scared the class next door.
8. Once I forgot to do my homework which I had to pass up on that day, so I hid under the desk for a whole period, pretending I was absent. Just as the class was about to end, En Raub decided to walk behind and found me under the desk. And he was so pissed.
9. In Form5, I really hated Add Maths, so I would pretend to go to the toilet, but instead I'd go to Lyd's class and sit with her. I didn't get caught for 2 weeks, until one day, Miss Ho walked past and saw me. And she asked me "Is this where the toilet is?". Lol! After that, she told me if I didn't come back within 10 minutes every time I go out, she'll send someone after me.
10. In Form 4, I didn't do my Physics homework for a year, until Pn Salima(?) threatened to call my parents, after which, I copied Leen's homework. I'm sorry I did that, but I really wasn't into Physics. At all. In fact, I'm still surprised I even passed with reasonable results. Thank you, Malaysia's grading system *insert sarcasm*
11. I used to make up Maths formulas during my tests because I don't remember them, and when Miss Ho handed back the papers, she'd say "I don't remember teaching you that." I made up formulas in Chemistry too. Everyone should thank God I didn't go into the Science stream. I will kill a lot of people.
12. Thanks to Yung who just won't wake up on time, I had to wash toilets in school for 2 whole weeks because I was always late. Finally, they got bored and stopped making me do it. Anyway, it was a waste of water, really, all I did was just throw 2 buckets of water onto the floor of each cubicle.
I can't believe I really did some of those things, like hiding under a desk. And not handing in my homework for a year. If I tried that now, I'd be kicked out of college.
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