Sunday, February 21, 2010

Now that everyone is finally returning back to reality, and realising that we have A LOT to do by Monday's class, I'm being bombarded by calls and text messages, asking me "what do we have to do for the site analysis presentation?", "do you know what information we need to put in the slides?", "i need the site plan measurements, send me this file and that file", "do you have the measurements for this?", "what do we need to do?!", "why didn't anyone tell me there's a presentation on Monday!" at every hour of the day. Some at 2-3am, some at 8am and every hour in between.

And its killing me!!
Out of 18 people in the class, takkan I'm the only one they can ask? -.-
Movie with King yesterday. Missed the 9pm one, so we went for 1130pm instead and spent 2 hours in the arcade/watch people bowl. Looks kinda fun. Think I may wanna try bowling :)
We finished at about 2am, and by the time he sent me back, it was about 230am. Under normal circumstances, my dad would be calling me non-stop, but the phone was surprisingly quiet. I came home expecting a screams but they were.... sleeping.
That is very surprising.

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