Friday, May 28, 2010

I find it really hard to wake up in the mornings now.
Somehow slept through my alarm again, until I got a message from Chris telling me she's already in MV.
Then I leaped out of bed.
After hanging out in the MV underground carpark for over an hour, I finally found a parking. Not kidding.
Its insane.
And I think Chris, Lyd, Sara, Xiao Thoong and I have been banned from a few places for being too noisy.
Put 5 girls really loud girls together; plus everyone keeps talking and nobody listens, so we're all constantly trying to talk louder than the other.

Prince of Persia was good. Seriously. No idea why, but I'm really into it.
And I'm not going to do a game-movie comparison.
Because good fighting scenes do it for me :D
I still really do wish I could fight. Must be nice to be able to kick someone's ass.
But I have to admit that boyband hair looked better on the game character.

I heard The Trax were active again, so I started following them again. They're (most probably the only) Korean rock band (other than Eve?), because we all know Korea likes their men cute. They were formerly produced by Yoshiki(!). I still can't believe Rose left the band and went from hot, blonde rock drummer to being a part of a pop-singing-trio now. Now Attack has left to join the army and Trax went from singing rock songs to singing ballads.
(TRAX apparently stands for Typhoon of the Rose Attack on Xmas = band member's stage names)
Yoshiki definitely knows how to make a good joke.

This song isn't as hard as Paradox or Scorpio, but I really do love Typhoon's voice.
Love the overall whiteness of the video :)

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