Tuesday, August 10, 2010

There is something I need to change about myself.
Which I will, from this day forth!

The last 2 days have been busy, in a relaxing way which is what I need.
Attended my brother's convocation on Saturday with Mom because Dad had a last minute appointment. We stayed for a really short while, because apparently to my brother, a foosball competition was way more important than his graduation. He made some excuse to leave right after he received his cert, which was only 15 minutes into the ceremony. Lyd picked me up to go to the BlackLineEffort, then dinner at Central Market. I wish more effort was put into promoting Annexxe Gallery. I think the galleries are so nice, but it is quite literally unknown, half the shops look like they have been left abandoned and the building (in my opinion) was not kept in a good condition. What a waste. I wish Malaysia would put more effort into promoting their arts and crafts (because isn't that what we're supposed to be famous for? You know, Batik and such) and also conserving their old buildings (we drove past and saw the wreck they made at Pudu Jail).
Again, I say, what a waste.

Dim sum with Form 6 friends yesterday. And yet again, I ask, why do people always doubt me when I say I'm busy? It is frustrating to talk when everything you say just rolls off everyone's back. So, I give up. I shall never venture into the topic of my unbelievably insane schedule when I'm with them, because there's no point. Was supposed to watch Inception after but GS couldn't get the tickets, so we decided to watch Salt instead. That is, until my guilty conscience kicked in 5 seconds later, and I bailed out on the movie to go home and work on my plans. And again, everyone and their "Oh, you can't even spare half a day to hang out with us?.. Aiyo, alot of excuses la... You can't be that busy!"
Yes, I can actually.

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