Friday, September 24, 2010

strange powers

First off, I'm not an overly religious person.
Sure, I believe in Heaven, Hell, karma, reincarnation.
Hey, even if those places are not where we're headed after we die, I still think the idea that they exist, makes us a better person right now. What goes around comes around, right? You don't want crap happening to you, you don't be crappy to other people.
My favorite one, Wiccan Rede -> "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
And of course, I do believe in God. A God.
And I will say this once again (because He keeps amazing me), God does work in strange ways.

Because I haven't been sleeping lately, it has affected my eating habits. So I haven't been eating as much as I should, gastric problem coming back with vengeance. Halfway through Practice exam today, I suddenly felt like throwing up and my entire body was.... I don't know, whats more serious than shivering/trembling? Like, I could feel myself twitching and jerking in my seat like I was having a fit. That really scared me. I'm probably already at my limit of no sleep and no rest. I quickly wrapped up my exam and came home for a half hour nap before going back to college again. And there was this thought that flashed through my mind at that time, I said to myself "Is it really going to take death to get them to extend the dateline?"
And guess what?
Someone did.
Pass away, I mean.
The UCSI Chairman's father... so Monday, coincidentally our Review day, is declared a freaking HOLIDAY.
Because they can't shift all the review dates for other semesters, so ours has been extended to Wednesday submissions and review on Thursday.
Freaky, much?

A classmate mentioned that the 2 times we had an extension for Design was when something happened to me. Like, that incident in Malacca and now this. And Bryan said;
"See? God bless you."

Thank You. I am grateful, really.

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