Sunday, January 2, 2011

'fragile things'

"It seemed like a fine title for a book of short stories. There are so many fragile things, after all. People break so easily, and so do dreams and hearts."
-Neil Gaiman

I would like to think that because I wished so hard, BookXcess finally brought in Neil Gaiman's Fragile Things. I have mentioned before that I wanted that book for a long time now. What are the chances of it being another coincidence, along with every other post that I made about wishing for something and getting it? Is it too obnoxious to say that I eventually do get what I wish for?
Maybe its because I wish for such simple things that they are easily fulfilled.

New Year's was a quiet affair for me, just the way I wanted it to be.
I also thought it would be good to blog about The Rev's 1st death anniversary on Jan 1st.
I can't imagine how it must feel to lose your very best friend, almost a brother.

"To wait is not merely to remain impassive. It is to expect--to look for with patience, and also with submission. It is to long for, but not impatiently; to look for, but not to fret at the delay; to watch for, but not restlessly; to feel that if he does not come, we will acquiesce, and yet to refuse to let the mind acquiesce in the feeling that he will not come."
-Dr A.B. Davidson

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