Monday, February 14, 2011

It rained.

If He was trying to grant my wish, He was 3 hours late.
After all that running about under the (scorching hot) sun (my back felt like it was burning at one point), we were just sitting down inside the tent to take a short break when it started raining and we rushed back out to collect all the props.
Lugging trays after trays of cups fill with water + oil was not cool either.
They decided to propose something new and we worked with oil and wicks this time (the ones used in Chinese altars), instead of water and floating candles. My hands were well moisturized by the end of the event.
Also, I found myself working with a real idiot.
He is so amazingly stupid.
He tried to pour the extra water + oil mixture onto the grass, and I said "No, don't.. you'll kill the grass."
And he said "Huh?? Why?" (Did we not learn this in primary school?)
After I explained to him, he said "Oh.. whatever. Nobody cares."
I do. And I (not so subtly) told him I didn't give a crap what he thought but he's going to walk to the drains. Even Lyd noticed I was pissed, and I hardly ever get mad at people, especially ones I've just met. (From this point onwards, I decided I would be mean to him for the rest of the day)
He thought asking about (Lyd's) weight was a 'sensitive' question.
He thought girls with makeup look like men.
He says girls shouldn't like anime.
He does not know what domestic violence is.
He cannot spell 'vanilla'.
He is a sexist and a homophobe.
Enough said.

I got to watch some pretty awesome fireworks up close!

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