Friday, April 29, 2011

6 months..

and my internship finally ended.

I'm packing to leave for Singapore tonight.
And my uncle texted to say he has taken leave from work, and will go to Kinokuniya with me tomorrow.
Awesome possum! :D
Kino in Singapore is always better.

Monday, April 25, 2011



Thursday, April 21, 2011

"It was like you suddenly turned a blinding light on something that had always been half in shadow.”

When I dressed to go to work yesterday, I didn't envision anything out of the norm happening.
Work would be the usual, I'd be waiting for 6pm to roll around so I can go home.
A few of us decided to take a trip to KL Hospital during lunch to visit another colleague, Peter, who was involved in a road accident. It was pretty serious; fractured ribs and a broken leg.
So, we were there in the general ward, and he was relaying his story to us while I stood at the foot of his bed. Suddenly, I broke out in cold sweat and the edges of my vision blurred. And when I blinked, it was like as if someone had turned on the lights, everything got brighter and brighter until there was only whiteness.
I don't know what happened after that.
I woke up half-lying on the floor; someone was holding up my head and there were people shouting my name.
I heard yells for a doctor and then someone lifted me up and sat me on a chair.
And when I was conscious enough to know what's going on, half my body felt numb.
There were suggestions to go to the emergency ward, but I declined.
One part of me was afraid of finding out what's wrong.
Colleagues were telling me I should have said something if I didn't feel right, but really, there was no time.
I was told I'm lucky Mike managed to grab me before I knocked my head on the floor.
I don't even know how long I blacked out.
And frankly, its quite scary.
Maybe because I wasn't expecting it.
I keep trying to remember what happened before I lost consciousness.
I wonder, is this how dying feels like?
A slow blurring as everything turns bright, then..

Saturday, April 16, 2011

8 days..

Countdown of my internship is finally down to a single digit!
I hope the next 2 weeks will come and go fast enough.

One more hurdle before I can wash my hands off this final project.
Is it me or do they keep doing all the unnecessary work?
I had to rewrite most of, if not the entire script.. and now I have to summarize said script into a short paragraph. Why?
Writing's not the problem here; I just don't feel like doing it.

Lately, all my savings are going down.... really fast.
Spontaneous trip to Borders with Lyd and CY 2 days ago had me spending 150 on mangas alone.
Which is part of the 300 that I'm trying to save up! Gahh.
I also ordered a few titles they didn't have (why didn't anyone stop me??!)
At this rate, I won't be able to save up much for my trip to Korea in February.
9 BLISSFUL days.
I'm going to need loads of cash.
I need another job for the next 2 months.
As much as I hate office jobs and planting my ass on the chair for 8 hours, they pay much better than mall jobs :S
I really don't want to extend my internship though.

Friday, April 8, 2011


For the first time ever, I am NOT glad to receive a text from Mr Redz informing me that there is a deadline extension for our final project (due Monday). I would have preferred to have it over and done with this weekend so I won't have to go back to college for another week or meet other.... acquaintances.

My latest project is trying to refurnish my room. I'll probably do it when I have time the next 2 months. It's about time I moved back. So I was thinking maybe if my room looked better, I'd actually want to sleep in there. But here's the real problem: I can sleep alone, yes. I can sleep in the dark, yes. But sleeping alone AND in the dark? Hell no. I can only handle one situation at a time. Sadly, my father remains unsympathetic. At times like these, I wish I have a sibling to share a room with. I really like bunk beds... but they are useless when there's only one of you.

Drew a plan of my room on CAD and trying to rearrange everything I have inside. And I realise, I hate the shape of my room! It limits.... the placement of my furnitures. Especially the bed. I can't put it this way or that so it just sits in the middle of my room (taking up majority of the space), and I'm forced to work around it. Also, the colors of some furnitures don't match. I'm not sure if Dad would consider that a reasonable excuse to let me get new ones.

Plan A - I am considering getting a smaller, kid-sized bed <--- that is how desperate I am. Just so I can stuff my bed in a corner. Or a sofa-bed. Its kinda funny to think that the main concern for my bedroom is not my bed, but rather how many bookshelves I can fit in.

Plan B - Or maybe I can get a loft bed. That would give me more space for my desk and (additional) bookshelves (The current one is bursting with books, they're practically on the floor) and tell Dad to take off the ceiling fan if he's so worried I'll accidentally behead myself. I can do with a stand-fan.

Plan C - Get one of those Ikea beds with built-in shelving and storage underneath. But they cost a bomb and I won't have anything left to buy my new bookshelf which, admittedly, I need more than a new bed right now.

Plan D - Seal off the toilet door. It really IS in the way. Every time I want to shift something, I have to bear in mind to keep a clear path from my door to the toilet. If I seal it off, I can also keep the occasional creepy-crawlies out. Ugh.

Plan E - What am I doing refurnishing my room when I an planning to move to Singapore after finishing Uni? In a weird way, I do think that I try not to leave any lasting.... impressions because I'm worried I'll get too comfortable to think about leaving.

Talk of birthdays and me asking Lyd to bake me strawberry shortcake, it was then I realise a quarter of my life has nearly come to pass. And I still haven't done anything in my to-do list. I'm afraid.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Its been 5 years.
Not a very long time, is it?
I can still remember a lot of things about you.
I can still remember how you sit at the door, waiting for us to come.
I can still remember how you'd be content just to be in the same room with us, not even talking.. and watching us fight over the computer, you'd tell me to give in to my brothers.
I can still remember how angry I'd be with you, for taking their side every time and not mine.
I can still remember I missed your (final) birthday dinner because I had to work part-time.
I can still remember the last night.
It was a Saturday, wasn't it?
I just came home from my part time job, I said I'm tired and did not want to go over for dinner.
How I wished I did.
How I still wish I did.
I'd have the last night with you.

I can live with failure or disappointment..
but regret, I realise, is the hardest thing to live with.
And this is one that would follow me forever.