Saturday, July 2, 2011

breathe.. breathe.. breathe!!

So, my new schedule is out.
And I have 4 days of class!! Even with just 2 subjects!
You know, when I saw my seniors in college last time, I used to long for the day when I, too, would be in my final year / final semester, because then I would have at least some free days during the week to work on Design (leaving me with at least some room to breathe during the weekend).
Clearly that's not going to happen.

That's not the worst part.. design's on Monday and Thursday.
I hate Design classes on Mondays.
Because then we would have presentation on Mondays, which automatically spells "dooms-day".
You can't find any place open for printing on Sunday, which means you have to (literally) kill yourself finishing the presentation boards to print on Saturday, then work on the model on Sunday. Of course, there are (ahem) some of us who takes the ultimate risk to print our boards on Monday morning, just minutes before the presentation.
Only to find out that the rest of your class have also decided to take that ultimate risk, and now the queue at the printer's is all jammed up and half the class is going to be late (that could be you).
Its quite nerve-wrecking, having presentation on Mondays.
Also it makes me miserable to know that I just spent the weekend working my ass off without sleep while everyone is out there enjoying their youth.

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